I Didn't See You There

Welcome to my story telling world of what ever I feel like writing. Feel free to comment on anything and everything on what ever you want to comment on. I don't care if you hate me or love me, just write comments, I'm bored.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Now

Everyday is repetitive and cumulative. Time is consumed at a very punctual time, but yet it is given a form, seen by others to be fast, speedy, and quick. The past seemed to fear time as a slow and ever growing manifestation. The future will fear time as a quick and evolved manifesto. The now see time as a gradual, but yet a struggling man. No one would care about such details, or even think to read once more, attempting to understand. Even I don't understand what I show, and I shouldn't. Time is always changing, even it sounds very cliche, the truth is that time has been the same. No matter what the past used to see, what we see, and what the future will see; time will always be the same. The movement of the universe change in small increments, not significant enough to see a large time scale difference. But due to this fact, time can never change. The people who perceive this world  are envisioning life as a masterful creation. My opinions do not matter to anyone, nor should it matter, but what I wish everyone to understand is that time is neither fast, slow, or moderate. It is almost sinful to say time is too fast or slow. Time is not a speed, and time can not be measured so that mere humans can see it as something to be measured. I'm not promoting the belief of a higher being, nor am I being skeptical, but time, in general and in reality, is life. I have almost definitely lost my readers, if there are any, from line two, but if you managed to understand until here, I congratulate you. No one understands me, perhaps it is due to the perception that I am writing about time, when in reality, I am writing about perception. There are loopholes to my point of view, but it is most accurate to say that I have written a meaningless blog about the idea of perception. It is true, even if you deny, because I wrote this, I am responsible for what I feel is contained. There are absolute possibilities of other hidden meanings and ideas that might have appeared. A written work is shown to show more than one possible expression of idea, and most are subconscious. The perception that it is included as a purposeful piece, is wrong. Scholars, professors, teachers, and genius' will disagree that the deeper meaning was intentional. I would hate to point out, your perception is purely arrogant to see there is a deeper meaning, when in truth, the writer wrote from the time different than ours, and at that time, the writing would only reflect about that time. No matter how imaginative or intellectual, writings from a certain time period will always show the life style of that specific era.   Even genius writers and poets are human, they experience the lifestyle of the time lapse, they live through memories as children and as adults. All these experiences become one to form that person's perception of the time. Whether a 1940's writer is writing a master piece of his imagination of the future, a far future let's say perhaps 100 years from then, will only contain the knowledge of that time period and the experience of that writer. Time and perception seems irrelevant. It could be true, or perhaps not. It is up to your perceptive skills to decipher my opinions.