I Didn't See You There

Welcome to my story telling world of what ever I feel like writing. Feel free to comment on anything and everything on what ever you want to comment on. I don't care if you hate me or love me, just write comments, I'm bored.

Thursday, December 8, 2011


December has arrived, about a week into it actually, and it is time for us yo celebrate the upcoming Christmas and New Year's. What to expect in 2012 is what everyone is and has been wondering. Will the world really end? Will I get married? Will I finally find the woman/man of my dreams? I promise not to answer these because I do not know the answer to any of these, but I can say this. Today was the day I received an epiphany of the most dramatic event of 2012. The color red, not dark, light or pinkish, red as in blood red or vibrant crimson, will return. The red color will be the fashion drama of all year in 2012, the color red will be the most worn clothing. People will read, if anyone ever does, 'Why would red ever come back?' or 'Was red even  a full style color?' The truth is, red is a very unique and attractive color. A woman in a dress of scarlet and waves down to his ankle with a crimson red Jimmy Choo has the power to awe the audience with the brightness of her color. Red attracts others easily and has been used as a signalling color. The color is in itself a vibrant and exquisite form of self praise, showing the audience their sexuality and beauty.

Monday, October 31, 2011


It is indeed the end of Halloween in a matter of hours. It is also my birthday and a great one at that. But before the greatness ends with in the hours to come, it is true that every year, on Halloween, on a joyous birth date of mine, a sadness occurs. The year 2010, Halloween caused a disastrous meltdown of my costume. Year 2009, a corpse was found on someone's lawn thought to be a decoration. The year 2008, candies are found to be toxicated and poisoned by some. And this year, my shirt and my new jeans were accidentally bleached, leaving a clearly visible orange red marking. I am unsure of how to return it to black, but if you do, without ruining the print, please do tell. Other than that, I hope you enjoyed this year's Halloween, because the next will be your last.

Sunday, October 30, 2011


Yesterday was a very long day, long enough for me to not write a blog post. My parents took me to the mall to purchase clothes and to spend family time together, which was quite nice, since I needed some new clothes. I bought jeans for the first time, I used to hate jeans since it used to crunch up my crotch, but as time passed I got used to tight clothing. A single skinny jean, and a super skinny jean. I couldn't really tell the difference once I wore it, but all in all, it looks amazing, I prefer Calvin Klein, but Levi's would do. After all the hours of finding clothes that fit and worked and felt comfortable, we all went to see a movie, The Three Musketeers. At first, it felt as if the movie was very modern for its Medieval time period, but it was great to watch. The plot was very sinister and heroes were chivalrous. It was a great movie, but I don't know why the theatre was so empty on a Saturday night. IF you ever get the chance, go see it, and if you have, tell me what you thought of it.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


College application deadline is approaching, and as it nears parents are becoming something that you want to have no relation to. Especially to Asians where it is the time to study, do work, and nothing but work. I'm supposedly supposed to spend all my day and night doing SAT books and work for classes, because supposedly everyone else is receiving 2300 and above. This is when I tell her, if everyone is receiving 2300 and above, something's wrong with the test, and if we were supposed to study without life, I'd rather live at school. Sometimes, it'd be that I had given up going to college because I'm satisfied with a 1580 and comfortable with going to a simple private school in Philadelphia. Fucking Asians parents think that any school not a member of the Ivy League is a community college, and actually going to community college means that person has spent the rest of their life decaying in their filth, and remain in such stay for all eternity.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


There was nothing to talk about, or anything I did special today. It's a simple same old, same old day. No one seems to be reading my blog anyways, looking at the comments and voting poll and seeing absolutely nothing. So I will do something I found on Tumblr.

You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You You

      Now you're angry because you skipped all the You's because you felt lazy.

      Now you're angry because there is a 'Yoo' instead of a 'You' somewhere up there.

      Now you're angry because you went back and couldn't find the 'Yoo'.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Loooong day, a really long day. It's been quite a day where people were louder, stronger, and fatter. I received two hennas, one on my hand and the other on my knee. Every time I did get one, it was impossible to wait patiently for the clay like substance to dry. Took almost two hours to completely dry, and the goo would already have been smudged or somehow corrupted from it's original state. Is there a way to create a perfect henna without such catastrophe? If you know how, or have special techniques, please do tell, because mine is just gross.

Monday, October 24, 2011

Once Upon a Time

Today I do a small, concise drama review, or more of a personal opinion of it. "Once Upon a Time" was released yesterday, I missed it. I have seen the trailers and wanted to see it, but time ran out for I was watching Desperate Housewives and that was at 12:00am. The drama starts off with a fairy tale story of Snow White, goes on and on and switches back between reality and fairy tale. From a rating of 10 to 0, I'd rate it 9, since I love the drama and will continue watching it until I die or unless it's cancelled. It couldn't receive the 10 only for the purpose of 'I didn't want to be too generous, but not to deducted.' If you haven't seen it, I do highly recommend watching it NOW, DROP EVERYTHING YOU HAVE AND GO WATCH IT, FOR JESUS' LIFE WATCH IT.

Sunday, October 23, 2011


Spending the rest of my day watching old Disney classics. Nothing better in life now, but just ponder it away reminiscing good times when I used to only watch movies. Now a days I'm stuck with school work, and future preparation learning, which everyone knows by common sense. I don't even see a reason for seminars or sessions for college applications when the directions are written write above and next to it. I don't even know how this came up from watching Disney movies.


Been having the laziest day of my life...I'm sitting here eating cheese Cheetos puffcorns and drinking air. Not to mention the absolute loneliness. I'm my own follower, le sniff, and the only way to attract people now a days is porn. Too bad I'll be the porn star in all of them, A HUR HUR. I'm actually so bored, I'm writing a drunk blog and willing to post it, knowing I'm not drunk, but wish I was cause Pucker Vodka looks freaking delicious. How many fruits crash into a bottle of vodka and magically reform into an apple flavored vodka. FREAKING NONE. Anyways, if you're one of those people who actually read my blogs, comment on ANYTHING, literally ANYTHING, even write your own dam story or something related to. I need to reply to something or do something fun...and I already did laundry, highlight of my boring ass day.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

The Beginning

The real story starts at...
     The time was fragile, weak in heart, and strong in the mind. People scurried past the golden city of Queens New York where business men associated themselves with the thugs and the gangs. The year 1993 was the era of renewal, an era where people my age began to pop out of their mother's wombs, each with close related thoughts of what to name their child. The city of Queens was decaying, losing its colors and the vibrant life it could of conjured. But, within this turmoil, there lay a brightening hospital, where in moments past, the only Asian family in the maternity ward would be gifted with a male Asian boy.
     A loud cry rang through the doctors' scrubs and the blood covered delivery bed. There, in the weakened mother's presence lay a healthy, very obese, chunky child. Time flew by quickly, as the mother was embraced by fellow mothers and soon to be mothers. The family flourished and nurtured the baby with all their care. The  birth of such child was the most beautiful event that brought the family to be one, where people once thought, could never exist. I was not that child, well at least I don't think it is. I too was born at a Queens hospital, the only Asian family harbored there, but I don't remember such elaborate happiness once my birth came to be. The day was October 31, 1993, an early morning: very early, clear blue sky, sunlight barely escaping the tip of the planet.
     I could of sworn a life time of joy, a period of gleeful life, or so I wished my baby self could remember, the time when people greeted one another in the streets and when people would care for their neighbors, like Canada. Anyways, this life story is not about my family, or my past life. It's about me and my present and future life.
                                                                                                                                  ...the time of my death.

The First

I have heard about Blogger for many years. People have always told me about how amazing it is, how people use it to express themselves, and how people use it to rant. It is quite peculiar how just writing about small things in life gets so big and how I used to think it was impersonal and less effective than just being me. At start, I was going to make a Blogger for the sole purpose of impressing colleges during college applications, without thought, there is a creation date of the Blogger account. So I decided, since I was on page 2 of the 'Create Your Own Blog' tab, to have a place to do what ever I want, how ever I want. You never know how many people will even see this blog, or if anyone would even hear of it. It doesn't matter, since I know at least one poor unfortunate soul will stumble up on this new webpage of eternal failure, and this eternal failure will consist of many grammar and spelling errors due to my lack of typing skills and ingenuity. By chance, if you read this whole first blog, I assure you, you will not last much longer than my pets. If you want to know more about my pets though, you might just perhaps, may be a little, stay for the next year. May be then, I could tell you about those sad little creatures that were fairly loved and lived happy lives until the end, each leaving a trail of tears that made me cry (Not really, but it was very depressing). One hint though, not all of them died and it does involve a lot of car chasing and gun fire.